Medications that can Impair Memory

Contributed by: Dennis Fortier, President, Medical Care Corporation
Amid the stream of press about memory loss, there is an obvious focus on Alzheimer's disease. There is less prevalent coverage of other memory-impairing medical conditions such as depression and thyroid disorders, to name a couple. However, there is scant attention paid, and in fact few online resources that I have located, focused on medications that are known to impair memory.

I noticed this short story at and I thought it should be shared. It is written by Dr. Beata Skudlarska, a geriatrician in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

While the article largely debunks the notion that Lipitor and other statins cause memory loss, the author recognizes that there is evidence of such side effects in about 2% of the population. More importantly, the article names other specific drugs that are known to be associated with memory disturbances.

Reference is made to certain drugs in all of the following categories:
  • Tranquilizers
  • Anti-depressants
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Pain killers and muscle relaxants
  • Stimulants
Reference is also made to certain drugs for treating the following conditions:
  • Upset stomach
  • Incontinence
  • Allergies
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Allergies
  • Seizures
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation
It is a short article, it is well written, and doesn't appear to be selling anything other than expert medical advice. If you have any memory concerns that you think might be related to medications you take, I recommend you follow this link and read it.
A better understanding and more awareness of Alzheimer's related issues can impact personal health decisions and generate significant impact across a population of aging individuals. Please use the share buttons below to spread this educational message as widely as possible.

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