Contributed by: Dennis Fortier, President, Medical Care Corporation
The passing of the National Alzheimer's Prevention Act is good news; another solid step in the right direction.
One of the common theories about why a solution to the Alzheimer's problem has been elusive, is that we have no national strategy coordinating a game plan. In lieu of such a coordinated approach, we have arguably ignored pockets of potential scientific importance, squandered funding by over-studying fruitless theories, and failed to learn about and share effective community programs from around the country.
There is no doubt that it is a difficult puzzle to solve and that the cost of solving it more slowly than necessary is enormous. Perhaps even incalculable.
It makes sense that an efficient approach would include an effort to ensure that scientific resources are focused on carefully selected initiatives with minimal overlap, that social programs are carefully vetted for efficacy and then pragmatically supported in the public sector, and that available research funding is directed in a comprehensively thoughtful manner.
All of these principles are captured in the spirit of the National Alzheimer's Prevention Act. Specifically, it requires that the Department of Health and Human Services will appoint an inter-agency council to recommend a national plan of action.
You can also help by urging the President to support this effort. Click here to do your part.
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This cognitive perception is based on the expectation that something different should have happened.