National Alzheimer's Prevention Act (NAPA) Becomes Law

Contributed by: Dennis Fortier, President, Medical Care Corporation

Last week, President Obama signed the National Alzheimer's Prevention Act into law. So what does that mean?

We described the basic spirit of the Act in this earlier post when it passed Congress. It is largely a commitment that we will formulate a strategy and coordinate resources at the federal level. Notably, there were no appropriations (funds) written into the act so, in that regard, there is a risk that the new legislation will be largely symbolic.

Nonetheless, it is a sign of progress toward higher awareness, importance at top levels, and urgency on behalf of the nation. Such a move is a common first step on the path to increased federal funding so I do not despair the current lack of committed funds. This is an important step and, most probably, a step that will catalyze even faster progress in the field.

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