Our ability to keep people alive is now out-pacing our ability to keep people healthy. This is driving an increase in the number of people who need human assistance on a daily basis. In other words, it has driven an increase in caregiving.
By most accounts, caregiving can be one of the most overwhelming responsibilities of modern life. It is a relentless responsibility that is physically taxing and emotionally draining. While the range and availability of support services in most communities is growing, caregiving remains one of the most difficult challenges many of us will ever face.
I want to highlight some good advice for caregivers that was published recently at Caring.com. In a short summary of 10 tips, sorted into "5 Do's and 5 Don'ts", this easily absorbed article might have just the nugget of wisdom that some desperate caregiver out there needs to know.
I have summarized the 10 items here, but I strongly encourage you to click through and read the brief description of each in the full article:
- Keep expectations real
- Treat yourself as well as you treat the person you care for
- Remember that knowledge is powerful
- Prepare to have all of your relationships tested
- Cherish the positive moments
- Don't go it alone
- Don't undersell what you do
- Don't become isolated
- Don't be ashamed of the emotions you feel
- Don't go it alone (intentionally reiterated)
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